our mission and philosophy
To ensure the safety and self-determination of domestic violence survivors through emergency services, court advocacy, and system reform.
Who We Are:
We are an intersectional feminist, anti-racist, pro-choice organization whose work is centered on the needs and experiences of survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
We recognize that Intimate Partner Violence is rooted in historical trauma and gender oppression. We acknowledge that domestic violence disproportionately impacts women of color and transgender and gender-nonconforming people. We believe in full and equal access to safety, quality of life, and resources for everyone. Access to resources creates safety.
We define Intimate Partner Violence as a pattern of coercive behaviors for the purpose of gaining power and control over a partner. We know that there are different risk factors in intimate partner relationships that create a greater potential for harm.
We strive to provide progressive and dynamic interventions with our community partners and survivors, seeking to bridge the gap in knowledge and promote effective collaborations.
Our advocacy is rooted in a strengths-based approach that focuses on resiliency and skill-building. Our belief is that advocacy needs to be centered in the community with a focus on self-determination, collaboration, inclusivity, empathy and an awareness of the compounding needs survivors face specific to Washington DC. We recognize that this requires us to be flexible and creative in our solutions.
We challenge systems of oppression and acknowledge the impact of state power specifically as it relates to systemic violence and racism. We fight to eradicate and not perpetuate these systems.
We acknowledge that social change requires a long term commitment to social justice. This is a marathon and not a sprint and as such requires building expertise in our communities and a foundation of resilience in our advocates.
We strive to create a trauma-informed space by demonstrating, through client empowerment, program design, staff education, and direct care, an understanding of the relationships among IPV, DV, SA and trauma.
Code of Professional Ethics:
DC SAFE’s Code of Ethics defines the way that we, DC SAFE Staff, relate to clients, the way that we relate to each other, and the way that we work within the local community.