Board and Staff
DC SAFE Board of Directors
Mary Murphy (Chair)
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Minia Mikael (Vice Chair)
FHI 360
Jake Emerson (Treasurer)
Capital Bank
Talley Snow (Secretary)
McKinsey & Company
Sarah Sattelmeyer (Past Chair)
New America
David Godschalk
Independent Attorney and Consultant
Schuyler Armstrong
Nixon Peabody
Deepa Patel
EL Education
Lily Vo
U.S. Department of Treasury
Dena Williams Hasan
Health Management Associates
Statia Betman
DC Government
Aimee D. Peoples
National Partnership for Women and Families
Shauna Theel
Ana Natalia Otero (she/her)
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Jenny Wesberry (she/her)
Director of Operations
Bridget Claborn (she/her)
Director of Organizational Strategy & Advancement
Danita Smith-Walker (she/her)
Senior Accounting Finance Manager
Gloria Nokes (she/her)
Senior Manager of Human Resources
Kylie Hogan (she/her)
Systems Advocacy Director
Nicole Walter (she/her)
Supportive Advocacy Team Director
Michelle Sewell (she/her)
Crisis Shelter Director
Jenae Williams (she/her)
Crisis Intervention Team Director
Brandon Kemper Seeley (he/him)
Training & Education Manager
FOUnding Board Members
DC SAFE is extremely grateful for the time, energy, and vision provided by members of the founding Board of Directors.
Krisan Swaminathan
Erin Currier
Ellen Opper-Weiner
Sarah Connell
Devon Leppink Staren
Adrianna Ysern